The Learning field in organizations is rapidly evolving, and the pace of change is increasing.
The changes are manifested on a number of levels.
Conceptually (companies moving from Training, to Learning, then to Learning and Development, to Learning Organizations and then merging into the Employee Experience). Operationally, companies moving from traditional classroom based training programs first to e-Learning, then (realizing pure e-Learning limitations) to blended programs rooted in adult learning theories, experiential learning, gamification, simulations and Just-In-time learning setups.
And Technologically, advancements supporting this major shift include remote learning, visualizations, virtualization, collaborative and social learning networks. Artificial Intelligence is developing at a rate that will certainly make it a major factor in Human Learning and skill acquisition in the near future.
There is too many options available, and often organizations explore those options at significant cost. And market trends and conditions can influence the effectiveness of approaches to learning based on organizational performance, budgets, culture and industry trends.
Sending employees to traditional courses that seem to be what is needed for employee skill development, and then hoping that what they learned will transfer to the workplace and deliver positive impact to the business is one of the least effective strategies. Investment in Learning is to be measured, managed and solid returns manifested in business performance are expected.
P3A experts have extensive and diverse experience with various learning methodologies, approaches and industries. They will analyze and understand the needs of your specific organization, and will offer Learning solutions that are optimal for your specific needs, culture and circumstances.
We confirm and clarify the outcomes and expectations from Learning activities, assure alignment of Learning strategy, help to select the methodology and delivery model for Learning, and establish and track impact KPIs. We also assure the link to Competence Development and Assurance, as well as to the Talent and Performance Management.