Communication, Engagement and Motivation
Communication is effective when information flows freely, purposefully, timely and unambiguously in an organization. Effective communication also entails a feedback mechanism, that ensures that the transmitted message was received and correctly understood by the receiving party.
Effective Communication is the essential success ingredient for any organization. Most organizational processes and institutions will start breaking down or losing impact in the absence of effective communication. It is one of the fundamental and critical aspects of successful leadership, and leaders are expected to communicate more, and with greater effectiveness the higher they move within the organization.
Engagement is the degree to which employees identify with and align with organizational goals. Motivation is the employees’ willingness and desire to perform work activities to attain organizational goals. Engagement is the best foundation for employee motivation.
Unfortunately, there is no universal prescription for success to establish effective communication. There are common factors, prerequisites and requirements, yet taking them into account, any successful solution or intervention must take into account the unique circumstances of each organization. Organization culture, industry, workforce composition, level of D&I, leadership personalities and abilities and many others are inputs to any successful communication plan.
Engagement and Motivation cannot occur in the absence of effective communication. Once rolled out and implemented, the success of any communication initiative can be gauged by the level of motivation and engagement it elicits among the people or the organization. Even if the communicated content is negative, a successful communication may help rally people to overcome challenges.
P3A will work with the customers to establish the levels of Engagement and Motivation and identify to what level is the Communication effective in maintaining and improving those levels. We will help identifying communication barriers and their impact on the effectiveness.
Adjustments will be suggested based on the customer organization culture, and appetite for change. P3A will always suggest realistic interventions and will work with the customers to implement those interventions and adjust or pivot along the journey to attain the desired improvement effect.